Here's what I liked: The solar charging system works very well. Our two sensors held their charge through the short, cloudy winter days. Both sensors have withstood heavy snowfall, wind and rain. The mounting system is comfortable and makes it easy to align the sensor. You just have to drill two holes in something hard enough to hold the sensor. - Sensors definitely pick up warm moving objects, even squirrels. What I didn't like: - The setup is quite confusing, as is so often the case in the consumer class. Electronic devices that have only a few displays and buttons that are designed to perform multiple functions. Adjusting the speaker's sensitivity and volume to your liking will likely take some time, especially if you have live creatures in your yard. The receiver blocks both outlets in a regular outlet. Tip: To adjust the direction of the sensor, plug the receiver into a long extension cord (or other portable power source) and walk around the yard/driveway to see where the sensor is. The sensor detects the person.
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