The Al's Garden & Home Supply store in Maspeth, New York is a pretty big building. It was opened in the year of 1917 by the brothers, Al and Harry Weiner.
Al's Garden & Home supply store sells flowers, house plants, indoor trees, outdoor trees, garden tools, lawn mowers and other home appliances. There are many different kinds of flowers for sale there including one type of flower which has become very popular recently called an Orchid Plant.
They have about 15 cash registers there so you won't have to wait too long to be helped when checking out with your items. The cashiers are also very nice people too! I've even met some friendly customers whom work at this store as well! They are all very helpful and can answer any questions you may have about the products they sell.
When I was 13 years old, I had to help out at this store on Saturdays because my family needed some extra money. The owner said that he didn't mind that I was only 13 yrs old so it all worked out fine for me! There are also several tips listed below which may be of interest to anyone who is looking for job openings at Al's Garden & Home Supply store in Maspeth, New York.
Helpful tips for getting a job at Al's Garden & Home Supply store if you are younger than 18 years old. -If you're looking to get hired at the Al's Garden and Home supply store in Maspeth, New York, it can be helpful to know what kind of tasks may be assigned to someone your age- which is why we've listed some below: *Cash Register* *Greeting Customers* *Answering Questions* All these jobs would work well for anyone who isn't quite 18 yet! So don't hesitate to apply today by visiting their website or contacting them directly.