I put it all together good and tight but had to take it apart and switch the fittings around. I noticed it was wrong when I went onto the order page to find out what each of the 5 powerheads were used for. The connections are all made of brass but I didn't know whether to use teflon tape on the threads or not. Some fittings are not made to be used with the Teflon (white) tape. I used it anyway. There were a few drops coming from one of the connections so I don't know what to tell you. Also, some fittings are not made to be tightened until you can't turn them anymore because you can end up twisting the fitting off or could just damage it making it leak. With most fittings I don't tighten them with a lot of torque and if they leak, then I'll tighten them up but here again, maybe I shouldn't have used the white tape. But it came in an ebay long box with some rolled up brown paper and the rods were in thin bubble wrap. Where is the original box from the manufacturer showing the different nozzles being used for their purpose? What if I lose a nozzle, where can I order another one? How about other products made by the company that makes them? How about a simple packing slip telling the customer what is included just in case something was not put into the box? I didn't even see the name of the company on the product. My guess is that it was made in China and they sell it to companys that can call it their own and make their own display boxes but as long as it works.everything seems to be there.except how to put it together, how to use the nozzles and without maximum PSI warnings. Mine is rated for 2700 psi's and the green nozzle suggested for lawn mowers was not strong enough so I went up to the yellow nozzle which worked nicely. Overall, it is built with high quality materials and I would recommend it despite no instructions or documentations.
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