I bought this primarily for a Midland weather radio with a foldable built in antenna. Our local weather station's antenna has been down for a long time, so we have to help. The radio antenna barely works, this antenna brought the station to listening level also because I have the flexibility to place it. I can even put it outside through the nearest window. The biggest improvement so far is FM. My weather radio can also play AM/FM and I decided to experiment with a public radio station 40 miles away because it plays jazz. Most of the time, however, it sounds bad on every radio I have. I tried VHF on a weather radio and when using a search function it worked straight away with the built in antenna. I connected this antenna and tried to search and the station was found and clearly entered! I then switched to the weather radio antenna and only received noise. In this FM test, I placed the antenna next to the radio, not in front of the window. So at least for FM it's a big improvement over the built-in foldable antenna.
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