What I like the best about Famcare are not only their support but also how simple to use it is. There are very useful templates and wizards, which can quickly create client profiles, intake screens and reports for agency staff. There really is no downside to using this system; it's just such a smart way to gather data and run client care programs, you get all of it! The reports are extremely helpful in monitoring progress, especially when compared to spreadsheets. We have been able to track and see our client data in one location, so that it's more easier. This helps us know if we're reaching our goals or need to be tweaking programs. I like that the software is easy to navigate and set up. There is a lot of training and support available to help with implementation. I do not like that the software is not as robust as other software we use. I would like to be able to have more robust reporting capabilities, and have more flexibility in how we manage our cases. We are solving our case management needs. We are able to have a more robust reporting system than we had in the past.