Excellent helmet quality for the money. We understood each other without any problems. Doesn't sleep when I turn over. The comfort is great for weekend military work. The tint adjustment knob on the outside of the helmet works great with welding gloves. My problem is that I store the helmet in direct sunlight all day when not in use, but after 2 weeks of ownership the low battery indicator came on. Now it stays dark for a while when you first turn it on, as one reviewer mentioned in January. My first thought was probably a dead battery and I don't blame the seller as this is not under their control. I took the battery out to see what part number to replace it with and found it was CR2032. All my research shows that the CR2032 is NOT rechargeable. Maybe there are also separate batteries that just don't charge. So now I don't know what to do. Replace with a rechargeable ML or LR 2032, or replace with another CR and risk an explosion when charging if it's a solar powered battery? If there are single rechargeable cells, what do I do with the ones that don't charge since the only way to give them more sunlight is to send them into space? This would be a 5 star helmet if it didn't have power issues after 2 weeks of occasional use.
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