Plugged it in, gave it a static IP address and now after a year of trying to share the old Laser Jet 5100 on the network we can! Incidentally, Microsoft's support and sharing of this printer via the parallel port was terrible. We installed this card and got it up and running in 30 minutes.
USB Device Server DS-510: USB to Gigabit Ethernet with AC Power Supply
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D-Link DPR-1260 RangeBooster G Multifunction Print Server: Boost Your Range and Printing Efficiency
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🌐 Enhance Your Network Efficiency with the Belkin F5D7231-4P High-Speed Mode Wireless G Router and USB Print Server
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Wireless-G USB Print Server from Hawking Technology HWPS1UG
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🔌 uni USB C Hub with Ethernet Adapter, 4K HDMI, Gigabit Ethernet, and 3 USB 3.0 Ports for MacBook Pro, iPad Pro, XPS
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🌐 NETRS2321P: 1-Port RS232 to Ethernet IP Converter, Serial over IP Device Server - Black
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HB-UMLS Sabrent USB 2.0 Hub with 4 Ports and LED Power Switches for Each Port
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