Good shoes, good quality but very narrow and this is a medium size. My daughter is small and doesn't have particularly wide legs. At 23 months she only wears normal shoes in size 5 or 5.5, the "W" (wide) shoes are too big for her. too tight and snuggly, i don't want to swing her legs. She goes to dance classes just for fun and as babies feet develop, tight shoes are detrimental to normal foot growth/development. They don't offer a size 6 wide so I had to downsize to a 6.5. Still ridiculously narrow for a medium size, don't know why they make them so narrow when they offer this shoe in slim, medium and wide sizes. If they were a wide size 6, it would fit her perfectly. So it's still too tight, and the new 6.5 pair arrived with noticeable wear on the patent leather in the heel area. So I have to try another size to get the wide one or try other shoes. Otherwise great shoes, she was very happy when trying them on, unfortunately I couldn't leave them like that. they are so skinny. If your kid has narrow feet or you can get a wide size these are great shoes.
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