have not tried these bits yet to make sure they last long but when the bit arrives the case doesn't stay closed Rack holding 5/16 - 1/2 bits won't stay in place and spot (looks like the rivets holding it are missing) I would compare it to port freight quality but slightly more expensive (could be comparable if the HF was the same dimensions) and at least I could go back to the shop if I had one have problem. If these were standard shots I wouldn't bother with this case, but since these are left-handed shots I want them to be separate from all my other shots. EDIT: I managed to use these drill bits and they worked fine for the first one, during the second drill I stopped and started drilling again, they didn't seem sharp anymore and it took me a lot of effort to make progress . I ended up going back to my old cobalt bits and gave up trying to pull the bolt out