I have used the bits that came with my Dremel tool and have never been happy with the results, they were very boring from GetGo. I decided to buy spare parts but wasn't expecting much. I've been watching youtube of people using beats in their dremels and I'm kind of disgusted with how they use them. I bought a small Dremel router table which arrived today so I gave the ZIP bits a mile for their money. ZIPy has earned me a blue ribbon. I glued two different colored woods, black walnut and white oak, together and cut out some small crosses. Both types were relatively difficult, I only pulled my cuts a little, as with my large router, the ZIP MAKES AN EXTREMELY SMOOTH CUT. The tree's profile was brightly lit where the borer had made the cut. The beats didn't seem to fade. When I was finished with the racquet, I cleaned the blade of tree sap and oiled it as I do all my racquets. In the videos I watched, the user seemed to be abusing the bits and trying to cut too much at once. If users could learn to make multiple passes and remove less wood in one pass, their bits would stay sharper and last longer. Others have complained that there is no pilot bearing, again an abuse, don't put so much pressure on the pilot end, it's a rabbit on a spinning tool and a bite. Use the tools properly and they will repay you with longevity and beautiful results. That's food for thought, blessed Jim.