When I opened the box (and the box was great) I literally spread my hands apart, the magnetic quality is so strong and good. The table is made of excellent quality material, has a certain weight. Here's the synopsis: As I brought my hand closer to the platform, it began to cling and cling to the platform with a deafening ringing sound. The arms move and are fixed throughout the platform. hands are strong; well made but easy to bend. End clamps are not cheap; they are of good quality. It's not so common anymore for foreign quality scrap to invade the US, but this product is 100% well made. It's more expensive than the comparison products (and I was almost tempted to buy another brand because I would get more leverage but not a universal magnetic base) but I'm very happy with this product and would recommend it. It's absolute quality, well made, versatile and great value to buy. This device will definitely last a long time. Buy it through colleagues.