I've had a lot of trouble extending WiFi outside of the home. I've tried server Wi-Fi routers in the past, all of which worked fine in the house, except when I went out of the house to the patio and detached garage with a significant drop in coverage. My devices failed to connect due to poor signal. I've tried different wifi repeaters or extenders with no success. I was about to run an Ethernet cable from my house to my garage when I saw the Orbi WholeHome Tri-Band Mesh WiFi 6 System on Revain. I called Netgear support and asked if the system would cover a detached garage about 25 feet from the house with aluminum steel siding, they assured me so and I decided to buy it from Amazon. After receiving the system and (easily) setting it up, I was blown away by how well the Tri-Band Mesh WiFi 6 worked. The WiFi coverage and all my devices connect with no issues, even my RV 20 meters away from home . I recommend the Orbi Tri-Band Wi-Fi 6 Mesh System for the whole home.
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