I've been putting off replacing my wheel bearings for a while now, dreading the inevitable dent in my bank account. Then along came ECCPP with their surprisingly affordable replacement assemblies. I have to say, I'm not unhappy with the product. It did its job and my ride is as smooth as it should be. However, I can't give it a full five stars because there were a few hiccups during installation and the included instructions left something to be desired. Plus, the noise level of the bearings isn't exactly on par with what I was hoping for. In the end, I'd say these are definitely worth considering if you're on a tight budget, but if you're looking for top-of-the-line performance, you may need to shell out a bit more cash.
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🔧 CRS NT515050 New Wheel Hub Bearing Assembly for Ford/Lincoln/Mercury 2002-2005 - Front Left/Right, 2WD/ 4WD, w/ABS
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