It was bought to replace the broken Black Docker (which shakes more than saws), counting on the use of a woman - for whom it turned out to be a little heavy in the end, which, however, was simply compensated by an order of magnitude greater productivity and ease of sawing. At the selection stage, they also looked in the direction of more powerful blue Boschs, but in the end they chose this one according to the criterion of weight, and I think that they did not fail: for garden needs, an option close to ideal - cut branches up to 20 cm in diameter from trees and then dismember them on the ground, without problems, while you can work with one hand, and it’s not like a jackhammer in your hands. And if you need to cut logs directly for firewood, then you already need to look in the direction of the chain saw. IMPORTANT: when working, you need to choose the right place and direction of the cut. Sawing a thick branch from below will cause the saw blade to pinch and vibrate violently, up to pulling out of the hands or breaking the tool. A similar mistake: sawing a log when, during the sawing process, it folds and pinches the blade. Therefore, you need to saw so that the edges of the cut diverge under the action of gravity, then everything will be ok.