Satisfied with the tire! After changing shoes for the first half hour, there was a scary feeling that the car had fallen into oil - softly, quietly, smoothly. Engine noise came to the fore. This is also a "minus": I would not take it for playing checkers on the Hong Kong Ring Road, braking is sluggish, lateral stability is not better. For the province - bad asphalt, a grader to the country, a quiet ride is the best ! From the factory cr-v went to michelin latitude sport (for clean asphalt, caught aquaplaning, but better in high-speed cornering and braking). 1) Makes you calmer. 2) In the conditions of Siberia, you don’t need to drive winter tires with it for 9 months (lx20 with the same pattern is all-weather) 3) Very comfortable with a measured ride on 2022 realities. 4) Excellent drainage compared to asphalt, very quiet and soft compared to full off-road 5) M + S marking, although on loams it is still covered with mud completely