I have a small kitchen and an old microwave with a poor, barely readable clock and a single timer. In addition to my desire to replace the clock/timer, I had a set of speakers taking up valuable table space and was always looking for a safe place to keep my iPhone reading recipes while cooking could, but didn't risk knocking it over. or splash on it. Sign in to iHome Kitchen Timer. It's small - much smaller than it appears online - but not too small. Compact really is the best description. The retractable iPhone/iPod dock is ideal for additional space savings. I was able to swap out a set of speakers and got two timers and a clock all in one device. It sits neatly in the corner but the iPhone can still be used in the dock. The clock and timer are really easy to read and also show the date or audio source during playback. To set the time, I simply docked my iPhone and clicked the Sync Clock button on iHome. Each timer has its own button to set the desired time, and timer 1 also has a "Quick Minute" button, which is very convenient. The sound quality is more than acceptable for a device of this type and it can be played from any of 3 sources. : Radio, iPhone/iPod or "Auxiliary" which means whatever you plug into the input. I typically use the Auxiliary Input to stream music from the Airport Express with no issues, although iHome was quite picky about cables and took 3 tries to find a speaker wire that didn't cause static when streaming music. A remote control is also included to control iPod playback, but my kitchen is so small I have no reason to use it, so I can't comment on how functional it is. The simple black and silver design fits perfectly into my kitchen. My only real complaint right now, and it's not a lot, is that there doesn't seem to be a way to dim the display, although the default brightness seems fine with the lighting in my kitchen. Pros: Two timers, easy to read clock, iPhone/iPod dock with speakers, compact design Cons: There is no dimmer on the clock. In terms of device compatibility, my new iPhone 4 arrived this week and it connects and works with the iHome iP39 with no issues or incompatible device warnings.
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