A fairly convenient device for carpentry, summer cottage and general work, after the purchase it replaced the miter saw, on the machine you can do everything conveniently. Practically unsuitable for carpentry work, it needs refinement and adjustment after purchase (my copy): the kerf width ruler gave a constant error of the order of a millimeter. In principle, the kerf stop can walk along the far end of the fixture; without experience, it is difficult to set the angle of the disk, since the width of the angle indicator and the division of the scale itself imply a deviation of a degree or two; a disc is not suitable for carpentry; a little backlash feed cross cut; an insert around the disk a fraction of a millimeter below the plane of the table itself, which prevents the disk from spinning at the maximum inclination of the disk (!). I want to warn you that you should not be afraid of everything that is written, since almost everything is "treated". The unit is not bad. Given the features, I recommend, but I would put 4+, not 5-.