A rather controversial mouse, with a rattling wheel, an outdated charging port, and a not-so-capacious battery. Otherwise, it is really good - beautiful, comfortable and functional. Has some pros: Beautiful, comfortable, wireless, you can adjust the weight, there are a bunch of programmable buttons, asymmetric with a place for the thumb, the free rotation mode of the wheel, probably very accurate (in truth, I have not had mice that would have had any problems with this, so there is more marketing, I think)) Its cons: Extremely noisy scroll wheel - it's just unreasonably loud, you can hear in the next room how you scroll it. No battery that runs out after a couple of days of active use. I took it on Saturday, by Monday evening I had already charged it twice. If you want to work at least somehow longer, you will have to turn off any backlight. An outdated micro-USB connector, which will most likely make itself felt after a few charges. An extremely strange backlight that is configured only for direct use, and when the computer goes into sleep mode, it glows like a Christmas tree with all the colors of the rainbow at full brightness, draining the battery, and this cannot be configured anywhere.