I decided to purchase the Nordman 5 for my Kia Sid instead of the jd, and it was immediately apparent that the rubber, despite having such a robust studding, is not quite noisy. This is despite the fact that there were practically no spikes left on the Nordman, and yet there was a connection with the road. Prior to this, there were only sensations, while the rubber was very satisfied, and it was worth the money. On February 12, 2019, the mileage on this rubber was almost 4t. Km. at first, of course, the noise of the spikes was, but after the first trip along the highway for 500 km, the noise decreased significantly. I really like the handling on this rubber, including braking on ice and even covered with snow porridge, but of course, everything is within reasonable speed. Never once did I feel sorry for taking this rubber.