Let me start by saying that this controller works great. There are many reviews of how it performs as a controller and I agree with those who say it's a quality controller and definitely worth the price. However, the real reason for this review is for people who want to use it with the Retropie system. I bought this controller based on reviews to use with the Retropie system. Specifically the Raspberry Pi B 3+. Once I got the controller, I couldn't connect it to the Pi's built-in bluetooth. I've tried MANY different things based on information on the internet to get a connection and it just didn't work. I saw a video on YouTube where the guys paired it to a Pi with no problem, but that wasn't my experience. So after trying many things and looking for a solution, I came across a thread that recommended the Mayflash Wireless Wii U Pro Controller Adapter to PC USB Adapter, also available here at Revain. I ordered one and it solved all my problems. The controller then paired with it and I raced with my Retropie system. I connected Mayflash to my Raspberry Pi using RetroPie and booted the Pi. The Mayflash has a pairing button that you press and one on the PowerLead controller that you press second. After that, I found that the controller told me it was paired with the Mayflash, but the Mayflash still flashed like it wasn't connected. So at this point I held down the A button on the controller and after a few seconds they were paired. Nice. Since then no problems.