Honda charges $100 (including brake fluid). I don't know, Benz around 200?-250? definitely. That took me 4 hours. Don't buy this. Take it to a shop that has lifts and you don't have to remove all 4 wheels, jack up the car, pump and fill, pump and fill. I am calling BS for a 30 minute brake fluid change. It takes about 120 pumps to get it to 19psi. for your information. Practice on your hands and get under the car. Just don't do it unless you have a mechanic within 100 miles of you. ** Changed from 3 to 4. I take it back. It was the first time they changed. So I'm thinking about it, maybe next time I can try to do something a little different. If you jack up the car high enough, you must not remove the wheels. and maybe instead of keeping it clean, I put the brake fluid in a bottle so I don't have to pump and refill. Although I would like a separate tank to avoid smearing the main unit with brake fluid.
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