I am a professional hobby carpenter (I make and sell cutting boards to supplement my retirement income). For this I use a lot of clips and a lot of titebond 3 glue. I often forget to wax the clips and the glue sticks to them rendering them unusable. I used to get a chisel on the clamps to remove the glue but that was time consuming and bloody as I often hit myself with the chisel. I picked these up for my useless drill press to clean the clamps and I'm blown away. It used to take me 10-20 minutes to clean a clamp with a chisel, now it takes me less than 2 and my parallel clamps look like new! I have cleaned about a dozen clips so far and have been very impressed. I put one of the brushes in my hand drill and it worked even faster, although it's hard to control. I have recommended them to other carpenters and am imagining selling a few for a company. Would buy again if and when they wear out (no signs of it yet).