I ignored reviews that the tools are very boring. I had never worked with leather before and didn't quite understand what that meant. It took a lot of time and effort to round off the edges of the leather strap to make the handles for the bag. It was so hard that I didn't even try to shorten the second set. I will use the straps for the handles on the 2nd bag. They are essentially flat edges and you cut through the skin with repeated hammer blows that end up tearing the piece apart. I'd rather lift weights to exercise. I bought "cheap" because I wasn't sure how often I wanted to use the leather. They are so terrible they guarantee I will never use leather again. The phrase "You get what you pay for" is not always true. However, that is the case in this case. If leather is worth using, it's worth buying tools to do it well. If I had used them even 2 days earlier I could have returned them. I forgot the time and didn't use it until the last possible day for a refund. Now I have to eat their prize because they go in the bin. Don't ignore all the reviews that they are boring. You are very boring. Using leather is worth buying tools to do well. If I had used them even 2 days earlier I could have returned them. I forgot the time and didn't use it until the last possible day for a refund. Now I have to eat their prize because they go in the bin. Don't ignore all the reviews that they are boring. You are very boring. Using leather is worth buying tools to do well. If I had used them even 2 days earlier I could have returned them. I forgot the time and didn't use it until the last possible day for a refund. Now I have to eat their prize because they go in the bin. Don't ignore all the reviews that they are boring. You are very boring.
LolliBeads (TM) 1.5 Mm Genuine Round Leather Cord Braiding String Black 10 Meters (10 Yards)
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Fiebing’s Edge Kote, 4 Oz. - 🖤 Enhance Leather Edges with Color Coating - Black
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TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support legs on the side wall, 37 l, size S, 0009
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