Hi folks, that seems like a really good bit of tidying up. I've dabbled in making 3D cutting boards and trays. Cut many small cubes at a 30 degree angle from different types of wood and glue them together. After they're glued back together into a board, it usually looks like it's wrapped. It is very difficult to glue the edges of the cubes perfectly, so small deviations will make the board less flat. I fix this by pressing them against a flat screen and running the router across the boards on a makeshift router sled. Use this bit to clean and level uneven boards. This drill held up well to cut cubes of white oak, walnut and cane bonded with fibers running in different directions, very cleanly without breaking. Yesterday when I removed the aluminum clamps I found that I had accidentally cut off about 1/8" of my 2 clamps without damaging the bit at all. The Beat still feels sharp and works great. What else can you do still asking. So now I'm trying to figure out how to put stops so I don't keep doing it. T-rail clamps are more expensive than a router. Good luck with your woodwork.