I use to post articles in other websites, but when i tried syfen it was amazing that all my previous problems were solved with this software!! It's great for posting links or images from any website! The best thing is also how easy you can search through your history so if there are some files which have been deleted by mistake they won't be missed anymore :) Nothing much really good about me using synfe except its ease of usage an features. Try out once as we trust them alot than anything else. ! This application has made our life easier because now one time posts become 2 times less work!! I have started using this software since it is new in market. It gives me more options to filter my facebook feed, and the best part is that it's free of cost. The only thing which i don't like about this software is that sometimes when i use search button it shows me many results for "syfte" and i can't figure out what was going wrong with these results. So please try this software as it is free of cost. I am getting less distraction from my facebook feeds thanks to syfte.