Most people are right handed and will place this station on the right side. So there are 2 cords coming out of this base, one on the left side with the cord going to the iron and interfering with your work and one on the back which is your base power supply and should be plugged into the wall. Well, this cord is so short it barely reaches the floor. So not much wiggle room unless you plug it into an extension cord. Dial-based 1-5, what is it? How hot? no idea, it's a guessing game. I use it for making stained glass windows and have used a Hakko FX601 which holds heat very well. This weller is terrible at holding heat. The instruction manual says to set it to 5 and turn it off after 3 minutes, my beads look awful no matter what setting I use. I bought this because I thought it would be handy to have it with a counter at the train station and that's about the only thing I like about it right now! The 2 sheets I made with this iron didn't come out as I was used to and I even broke 2 pieces (on both projects!) due to uneven heat. Others might like it, but I don't have time to "relearn" soldering. Seriously I regret spending all that money on an iron that I will probably never use again and now I have to buy another Hakko!