We bought this scooter as a beginner scooter for our little one. I wasn't sure how well it would handle scootering, so I liked that it was a 3-in-1 model with trike and push bike configurations. The scooter was easy to put together and the parts are pretty strong. However, as mentioned in other reviews, even in an impeller configuration it's almost impossible to control. The handle doesn't rotate, so it depends on the tilt/movement of the weight (even in this case, not really). You really need to lift and adjust the rear end if you want it to move in a different direction. I suppose it works for straight paths and going back and forth on the street, but it didn't really work for our patio. and our little one is frustrated by this (she's too heavy to actually lift and adjust in the direction she wants to go). At the moment we take her with us every now and then and teach her to wear a helmet while riding. At some point I will probably switch to a microphone or something similar, which will be easier for them to handle.
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