SucSEED is an Angel Group, Syndicate and Venture Debt which was founded in 2016 by 2 enthusiasts of this industry. This company is fast developing one.
As an example I want to notice taht, just in couple of yerars it became a company with more than 120 members and invested in 30 start-ups.
As I noticed above, you can understand, that SucSEED experts are looking for eraly stage projects and start-ups to help them to become giants in their fields.
Company cares about benefits for all members of their ecosystem, this emphasizes the seriousness of its intentions and involvement in its business, creates trust in the company.
Although company concentrated in Indian market, but they are also seacrh for projects from all over the world.
It cooperates with many ventures and has a huge investment portfolio. The directions of investments are the next : EdTech, Fintech, Reality Tech and City Solutions, Publishing and Media Tech. Also SucSEED interested in Health, Sports and Fashinon.
If you have any ideas in that, you can apply them, to realize your project.