So, it seems like a small thing - a doorbell. But ours has been broken for some time, and the wires leading to the button were short to begin with. Over time they became more brittle and it became impossible to get them to attach to a new button. I began looking for an alternative solution. I really wanted a video doorbell so I could receive a notice in my office - which is separate from and behind our home - and to check who is at the front door remotely. But those were quite expensive, and would not allow me to get the back door as well as the front. I found this solution and it has worked marvelously!I was able to program the front door and back door to have different ring tones for ease of identification. I also have 3 receivers - 2 in the house, and 1 in my remote office. The bell reaches about 50 yards from door to office receiver. but that is also going through the entire house. Impressive for such a simple little device. I am well pleased!
Wireless Doorbell Chime - AVANTEK Mini Waterproof, 1000 Feet Range, 52 Melodies & 5 Volume Levels With LED Flash
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Wireless Doorbell - PHYSEN Waterproof Doorbell Chime Kits With 1 Transmitter+1 Receiver, Operating At 1300-Ft Range 58 Ringtones 5 Volume Levels & LED Flash, Door Bell For Home/Classroom
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🔒 Adjustable Anti-Theft Video Doorbell Mount Bracket - No Drilling, Unobstructed Doorbell Motion Sensor - Ideal Mounting Accessories for Homes, Apartments, and Offices
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STARPOINT LR Wireless Doorbell Chime With Expandable Add-On Receiver Plugin - Long Range Multi-Unit Alert System, White
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⚡️ Sunpark LC-12014T (1) FC12T9 32W Circline (1) 2D 38W (1) FC16T9 40W Circline (1) FC9T9 30W Circline Lamp Compact Electronic Fluorescent Ballast with Circline Lamp Plug 120V
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💡 High-Quality Advance ICN-4P32-SC Electronic Fluorescent Ballast: Ideal for 4 Lamps, 32W T8, 120/277V
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Fulham WorkHorse WH2-120-C Adaptable Ballast - 2 Pack
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