The order arrived on time thanks to the seller, it was well packed, the goods are intact, the factory tape with a hologram is not broken. A great option for little money to make a smart TV out of a simple one. SONY TV noticed that the picture loses color, everything becomes yellow-green-orange for 1-3 minutes, then back and so every 15-20 minutes, after digging around on the Internet, I found a solution. In the settings on the console, screen resolution, color space settings, check RGB and enjoy viewing.
Kohree 36V To 12V DC/DC Converter Regulator - 10A 120W Golf Cart Voltage Reducer
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EXuby Digital Converter Box For TV With RF/Coaxial And RCA Cable For Recording And Viewing Full HD Digital Channels Free (Instant Or Scheduled Recording, 1080P HDTV, HDMI Output, 7 Day Program Guide)
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TV Tuner LUMAX DV-2120HD
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Dorhea LM2596 DC-DC Buck Converter Step-Down Regulator 4.0-40V To 1.25-37V DC 36V To 24V To 12V To 5V Volt Power Supply Module With LED Voltmeter Display Compatible With Car Motor Buck
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