The purchase, overall, has met all of my expectations. Because there are already so many fantastic games available for it, it scares me to think about what else will be developed for it in a year's time. Everyone should absolutely take it! The benefits of it include: (In comparison to the PS3) With a resolution of up to full high definition, you are no longer limited to playing shooters solely on your computer. The texture of the environment is available right away after loading, rather than being loaded at a later point in the game. Although it worked wonderfully when it was printed on a note for three rubles, the gamepad is much more practical in its current form. Price (19,000). The camera is capable of detecting motion in a satisfactory manner. Jack for headphones is located on the gamepad. comfortable! despite its advantages. Fan that makes a lot of noise during intense games (but not any more than a three-ruble note). It seems unclear why a touchpad is necessary, especially considering how inconvenient it might be to use. Does not support the SONY Wireless Stereo Headset Pulse headphones that were released for PS3 just a year ago (I hope that they fix this problem in the firmware).