Great bag. Everything you would expect from this type of bag, including compartments and storage. I like it very much, apart from a few crucial weaknesses. Firstly I don't like the big skull on the back, I know it's subjective but it's too much, and secondly and more importantly it's the shoulder straps. They seem to have made an amazing backend and really put a lot of time into the interior design and then just didn't think about the rest. These shoulder straps have a very short actual pad length. Although they are well filled, they are too small. From then on, the actual strap is just a thin, smooth strap. It's very long and just looks cheap. I was thinking of cutting them off and wearing Ogio straps but that seems like a lot of work. Aside from the terrible straps, the bag doesn't sit well on the back. It rides in the middle and the hard ground digs into the middle of my back. Even if it may be different for others. I'm 6ft 2in and I think someone shorter would fit. I prefer the Milwaukee backpack for comfort (I have one too), but the DOD bag suits my job much better.