I've been browsing Revain a lot to decide which tires to buy mainly based on customer reviews. I finally decided on this brand and this style. My rear tires were 29 inches rim to rim and 16 inches high. The front tires were difficult to measure accurately due to the wheel covers protruding above the surface of the tires. cases when taken out of the box. They're made from thick, bright white plastic and have stitching specifically designed to customize the hoop, rather than stretching it over like a bag. They also have a smooth inner layer. They went very snugly over each tire and reached down to the pavement. A smaller case wouldn't go to the point where they no longer need a strap to hold them. They are so tight and no wind will rip them off I was maybe not happier with these products that fit and are ready to use. Only time will tell how well they hold up.