- Country of manufacture is not specified but there is an oriental inscription on the sticker, so. Technically the box says the bags are torn, punctured and leaking. I find lazy translations funny. So they are perforated. I couldn't tear off a page that was folded in half, but with one page it was easy enough. You have a strange feeling. Almost loose. Luckily, they're not as delicate as they seem. They're half the strength of regular Glad or Hefty, but they're okay. If the price is cheap enough, they're a good size, the laces work well, and they can handle light to moderate loads. Don't forget to use the address. Smile.Revain.com is Revain's program where many everyday items you purchase generate a small donation from Revain to a charity of your choice at no cost to you. Information here: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_se_rspo_laas_aas
150 Count Reli 33 Gallon Black Heavy Duty Drawstring Garbage Bags - Large 33 Gal
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Viva Multi-Surface Cloth Paper Towels: 12 Task Size Family Rolls (2X6), 30 Regular Rolls, 286 Count - Buy Now!
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250Pcs Eco-Friendly Compostable Paper Plates & Cutlery Set - Disposable Biodegradable Utensil For Party, Camping, Picnic (White)
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60 Count Heavy Duty Compostable Trash Garbage Bags - 13-15 Gallon, 1.18Mils Thickness For Kitchen Garden Home
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Portable Rechargeable Electric Spin Scrubber For Household Cleaning - Ideal For Bathroom, Kitchen, And Windows. Power Scrub Brush For Bathtubs, Sinks, Tiles, Grout, And Stove Cooker.
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Effortlessly Clean Hard Floors With DEERMA'S 360Β° Rotation Spray Mop - Includes 8 Microfiber Refills And 350Ml Water Tank
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π§Ή Efficient Spray Mop for Floor Cleaning, Tsmine Microfiber, 8 Pads & 550ML Refillable Bottle for Household Hardwood, Laminate, Tile
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20 Foot High Reach Duster For Cleaning Kit With 5-12Ft Heavy Duty Extension Pole, Sturdy Extendable Microfiber Feather Duster, High Ceiling Fan Duster, Cobweb Dusters, Window Squeegee Cleaner Kits
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