OffGamers is a global platform where all transactions related to game-related purchases such as game credits and in-game purchases are made. In addition, this company supports game developers.
The OffGamers website is very well designed. You can find all the games you are looking for on the website. Purchases are made instantly. The website supports a wide variety of languages.
My favorite feature of OffGamers is that there are many payment systems available. These;
+ Apple Pay + Vısa
+ MasterCard + Maestro
+ UnionPay + JCB
+ Alfa-Bank + SberBank
+ YandexMoney Bank + Wire Transfers
+ PaySafe + CVS
+ Dollar General + Google Pay
OffGamers has a live support service. It has a mobile application.
As a result; OffGamers is a platform created for both mobile games and purchases for computer games.