When looking for a broadband antenna, the term broadband is used broadly. I bought 2 antennas from other manufacturers this month. One of these was more expensive than the X30A. None of them showed a decent SWR over the entire 2m/70cm band. I had the opportunity to help a friend install this antenna tonight. At 20 feet off the ground, this antenna worked flawlessly! The SWR is just over 1.0 in the middle of both bands, as is the case with GMRS. Of course. This month I will buy the third and last antenna. So glad we found this one! Looks like the other two competing antennas are being sold to someone who doesn't need a true broadband antenna. Thank you Diamond!
JBL Horizon Bluetooth Alarm Clock Radio with Multiple Alarms, Soothing Ambient LED Light, Automatic LCD Display, and Dual USB Charging (White, AM/FM Radio)
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KLIM CD Boombox Portable Audio Player with FM Radio, Rechargeable Battery, Bluetooth, MP3, AUX, Neodymium Speakers, and Upgraded CD Laser Lens (2021 Edition)
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Stream Your Favorite Tunes With AUNA KR-200 SI Internet Kitchen Radio - Spotify Support, Remote Control, And More!
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AUNA Connect 150 Black 2.1 Wi-Fi Internet Radio Music Player With MP3 USB Port, AUX & Remote Control - Black
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