I have a 2002 Mercedes S430. If you look at the picture of the part you will notice that it is bent to one side. I didn't understand that this was because it was too stretched as opposed to the part that detached from the car. There's no way to shrink it back down to a size that will easily fit in a vehicle without some ridiculous work. In the end I removed the upper wishbone and bolted the top to the body first. I then had to use a jack under the shock and lower the car onto the shock while zip tying it to other parts of the car to keep it from moving. As I slowly lowered the car, I had to apply pressure on the zip ties to pull the bottom of the shock up to the pin it sits on. Once near the pin, it was under a lot of pressure and almost impossible to dislodge from the jack post. I still don't quite understand how I managed to put it on without injuring myself, but I did manage to screw in the gasket on the bottom pin. This process took several hours. When I looked at the racks from other manufacturers, I saw that they are laid out in a straight line and look compressed. Now they are in and working, but I won't be getting that brand for the left side anymore. Obviously something inside is not quite right, because a kink and overstretching out of the box is not allowed.