No instructions to wire it came with the products. The delay switch is not calibrated properly. It's a farce that it could be set from 0 to 99 seconds. We tried very hard to set it so that the delay is about 8 to 9 seconds. Regardless of where we set the switch, it either closes instantly or remained open for at least 25 seconds, and up to 40 to 50 seconds. No middle setting. Pre set remotes that came with the product only worked once, after that neither of the two that came with the product have worked. We tried pairing them by holding the little button down on the circuit board once and then holding down the button on the remotes, t heyjust does not want to pair with it. The power cord receptacle was installed crooked on the circuit board, therefore, the cord would not go into the hole. We had to clip the black box that the circuit board was just sitting loosely in. Over all quality of this product is extremely poor. Walmart should drop this vendor. They are doing disservice to their reputation by keeping this vendor on. I still want to know how to pair the remotes with the strike controller.
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