Haven't done much with it yet but just my first test and impressions led me to believe I should have been more patient and maybe spent a little more . It was about $25 including shipping, for reference. The first oddity was right out of the box. Instead of a mini or micro USB connector on the device as you might expect, it's a 3mm stereo jack, which includes a stereo jack and USB connection cable. never seen before I will say the cord is quite long so that speaks for itself. At first nothing seemed to happen when I plugged it in, but I tried again and the red LED came on. It warmed up quickly and worked well. Then the light went out. It has cooled down. Later the light came on again. I don't think it's a short circuit though, which was my first thought. There is a metal ball in the handle which I believe is a contact switch, although there is no direct or serial correlation between touching it and turning the light/heater on or off. Also, there's only one temperature setting, although that's just what I expected. It melts PLA prints VERY quickly. For what it's worth, the construction seems solid enough to me if care is taken when changing tips. There is a cap on the device that seals the installed handpiece, but does not put it on the "knife" handpiece. It also comes with some solder and a metal stand to set the iron up while it's hot. I've found it also useful for scraping the plastic off the tips if they get stuck. It has no storage space for extra tips or other parts except for a small zippered pocket. If the heater stayed on all the time, or the contact switch actually controlled it, I would give 3, maybe 4 stars. It works a bit and doesn't seem like a slander that falls apart in my hands so I won't give it a 1 star.