The antenna I received looked a little different than the pictures here but the packaging said the gain rate was the same so I unscrewed the old antenna, screwed in the new one and then wired some tests. .Results so far are solid. Using the Wi-Fi Signal app on my Nexus 7 tablet, I found that the signal strength increased by about the promised 10dB. However, the biggest improvement comes from download and upload speeds tested by another app. With the old antenna I had bandwidth problems even next to the base unit. The speed drops very low, which often causes buffering issues when streaming videos. With the new antenna, the speed almost doubled to almost one. In parts of the house where I used to have trouble getting a usable signal, I can now stream reliably with no issues. In another part of the house, the reception is still not where I want it to be, so I'll keep experimenting. by changing the position of the antenna with the supplied cable. Very happy with the product. Definitely cheaper than an active signal booster or relay box. Depending on your layout, this may not solve all of your problems, but it definitely boosts the signal AND it also seems to deliver a cleaner signal with faster speeds and fewer dropped packets.
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