Of course I haven't seen a product description that lists these bags for wool or felt insulation only. I remove the exploded pulp, but I took a chance and used the bags anyway. The main difference is dust accumulation. So if I were in a residential area I would definitely buy bags designed for blown material. I found the bags to be of high quality and very easy to use. I use a 1hp dust collector to suck the attic insulation right into these bags and I'm surprised at how well it worked for me. When using this setup I have to fill bags vertically instead of horizontally and I also lose my sealing ability. I believe the vacuum cleaners listed for this app are over 13 hp but I haven't been able to rent one nearby. I definitely recommend this product. I sure hope I never have to buy this product again because this job really sucks, but if I felt the need I wouldn't hesitate.