Я не опытный игрок в гольф, поэтому не могу комментировать точность этого дальномера, однако я сравнил с другом, у которого был более дорогой, и мы были в нескольких ярдах mutual. Easy to take apart, charge (no batteries required) and tells me how far I am to the pen. My only warning is if your hands are shaking even a little, this little guy will jump between the flag and maybe something else he catches in the background if my hand is shaking, even if it's just a little. Logically, I can pick a number, so it doesn't matter. It even has an arc guide that will come in handy for more experienced golfers. I personally don't use it. Overall excellent value for money. I was so glad I didn't have to pay $500 for a range finder.
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