This is my 5th helmet but my first branded helmet. Don't let the 4 stars fool you, this is a great helmet but there are a few annoying features that don't quite make it a 5 star. First the pros: - EXCELLENT lens. Love the clarity - simple and intuitive digital controls - turns on automatically as soon as lightning is detected! (Didn't know that was the case. Love this feature!) - Nice and roomy with a large viewing area - The flip-lock is sturdy and doesn't easily fall off despite the weight Now the cons: - The headgear is odd and finicky . I can't fully adjust it so the display doesn't hit my nose when I fold it down. even taking it off and putting it on always seems to correct it. It has something to do with the weird leaning back - the helmet is HEAVY! it keeps trying to roll on my head - the digital infinity lens isn't compatible with any other standard helmet so I can't swap it out for one of my cheap ones which is much lighter - the release is right side only which seems odd. I worry that the heavy helmet will wear him down. Bottom line: the digital infinity lens is the best I've ever used (even better than the Viking 3350), but I only wish they'd done something about the weight and weirdness of the headgear. On the plus side, it can protect you from getting hit in the face by a 2x4.
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