I've been needing a new digital kitchen timer for a long time. Since I needed three, this item seemed like a good buy. The timer itself works well and I'm happy with that aspect. It counts down, counts down and behaves like a normal clock. I also like that you can remember the last set value of the timer. The two stars are due to the poor assembly of the stand and magnet. Problematic enough, I can't use the magnetic backs, which is one of the reasons I bought these timers. Two of these hung on alarm clocks on my fridge with magnetic backplates. I was out of town for four days and when I came back I found two timers on the floor not on the fridge where I had left them. The double-sided tape securing the magnet to the plastic backing of the easel broke off, causing the timer to fall to the ground and shatter. The battery cover came off and the battery cover was under my fridge, the base of the timer was on the floor and the magnet was still stuck to the fridge. The adhesive on the double-sided foam tape that holds the magnet to the plastic backing of the easel isn't strong enough to support the timer's weight for more than a day or two. Eventually, the weight of the timer will cause the tape on the magnet to detach from the plastic backing of the easel. After reassembling the timers, I found that one of them stopped working. The second one still works, but I won't hang it on the fridge until I've reattached the magnet with a different adhesive that sticks properly to both the magnet and the plastic backing of the easel.
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