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Review on Electric bike by Jnis Kokins ᠌

Revainrating 3 out of 5

Nothing special, there are positives and negatives.

In general, it’s strange, the seller has the address of Hong Kong cadets 34, on ebay there is a seller selling electric bikes for 45000r, but there the motor is more powerful, and the battery is 16000mah. Written off with Seler with ebay, they say that your office has nothing to do with them. In general, an ugly bent bike!

Updated 2 years ago
Rating has not been changed

You can now see the product's quality and features in the photos I have added to my review.


  • It doesn't look bad when assembled.
  • 1) Huge dent on the front wheel disc. 2) Some nuts are missing. 3) A bolt on the battery cover is torn off. 4) The battery without any marks. What kind of battery, exactly whether there is 14000mah is not known. 5) the wings are bent. 6) the steering wheel is slightly bent to the bottom left.