No, it's a gun, really. For such a price - a masterpiece of the hands of Chinese basement children. Assembled, in principle, well. Everywhere everything snaps off easily, shakes out too. Powerful, strong suction. Wool collects with a bang. There are no carpets at home, so it copes with linoleum perfectly. One caveat, the outgoing air blows dust off the floor a little, but for such a price, complaining about this is nonsense. Everyone who writes, they say, doesn’t work well, or they don’t know how to use a vacuum cleaner (and there is one button for the entire vacuum cleaner), or they expected for 1800 (I took this one) a construction vacuum cleaner that draws in pieces of concrete. Foaming at the mouth to drive on this Chinese miracle = shiz The dogs at home were in total shock. 10 scared dogs out of 10 10 Chinese baby fingers out of 10 By the way, in combination with a robotic vacuum cleaner, you can forget about the broom and dustpan