Oven went from 5 minutes to 25 seconds - works great. all the details and speckled finish on the igniter itself. The only difference is that the original part's pins have been connected to the pins of other components, so you really have to cut the pins off the original parts and use wire nuts. Do not twist the wires together before using the provided ceramic nuts. Lay the two wires up, fresh and untwisted, and let the little wire nut twist them together. The instructions say so, but below the crease.
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ICEPURE 5 Micron Sediment Water Filter Replacement (4-Pack) For 10-Inch RO Systems Including Dupont WFPFC5002, Aqua Pure AP110, Culligan P5, GE FXUSC, Whirlpool WHKF-GD05, PP10-05 And More
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Эффективный трансформатор питания СИД БИНЗЭТ ДК12В для регулируемого освещения
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Прозрачный держатель для яиц в холодильнике на 18 яиц, контейнер для яиц Ambergron для холодильника, решение для хранения на кухне
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