I took it to remove dust and debris from the seats, panels and sand from the floor mats in the car. Moreover, the main task is dust and debris on the seats (crumbs, dandruff, etc.). You can talk for a long time about whether there is enough power and whether it makes satisfactory noise, but not a single vacuum cleaner is silent to this day, and at the same time this model copes with the task, which means there is enough power. Today I tested, during cleaning, the brush nozzle was disconnected. Inserted and drove on. But if it was on the latch, then the problem would not stand. Although it is difficult to call it a problem, insert it back a couple of times, nothing will happen to you. Other things being equal, I do not understand how it can cost so little. Its design, of course, goes against ergonomics, but again, this is not some kind of inconvenience during operation, but it is clearly a favorite when carrying and storing. I vacuumed all the crumbs on the seats, walked along the panels, removed the dust, and the charge did not decrease on the indication. Now it's wet and the sand on the mats is wet, so I didn't manage to fully test it as I wanted. But in dry areas, he removed the main amount, and this is enough for me, with our dirty roads it will not work to try to keep the carpets clean, not to save in layers at most, or you will wash the carpets daily, which is hardly justified. ADDITION dated 08/18/2022 Three days ago I fully charged it and put it in the trunk. Of course, now it's hot in the sun and it looks like it turns off from overheating after literally 5 minutes of operation. I let it cool down, but it lasts for a couple of tens of seconds and turns off again. For all the time since the purchase I have used it no more than 10 times. Today I finally decided to clean his filter, remove the dirt between the iron mesh and a rag, where there is no particular access. Then it became clear that I would throw out. He is weak, but I had enough. But it turns out that if he lay down for several months, then he was discharged, you can’t take it and go to vacuum. I will take a wired one, there is more power and I don’t need to think about charging.