This program has made the health care we receive much more accurate than what I've experienced in other organizations before this point! The customer service department of this organization are some of my favorites when it comes to working with them as they listen attentively but also give you direction if need be at any given moment! Not a whole lot that could be said or thought about since nothing so far really stands out one way or another. We have found ourselves having our insurance cards scanned multiple times each visit because there's no system for tracking your appointments like this already. With this all set up its been able to save me money over the past year alone which was not something I had been expecting initially. I love the simplicity of the process. It is very straight forward and easy to navigate. No complications. I have nothing to dislike. I would recommend Health iPASS to other practices. We've been able to streamline the payment process and reduce the amount of time it takes to pay our patients. We've also been able to reduce the amount of time that our staff spends processing payments. We've also been able to improve our patient experience and help our patients feel more comfortable with their payments.