I like best about Cristo is the ease of use. No hard coded database connection and it supports all the formats used by the Catholic Church around the world. This made me easy to use it with the other applications we need. Not so much thing as the application doesn't have support for Microsoft Excel format. As a software developer we sometimes required an open source or free or share licensing system. In this time I recommend Cristo. There are two kinds of data entry forms. One form have three drop down list for the field selection. That is kind of difficult to fill out. But if you change that to one drop down menu for better user experience I would say you should give it a try. Data collection process for our parish. It is very easy to use. You have everything you need right there at your fingertips. Not much to dislike about this program. We are using it for our parish's financials but we could see some features being added that would make other aspects of running our church more efficient. I think they should expand their feature set so people who aren't as tech savvy will feel comfortable with the software. Our main focus has been making sure all finances are accurate and up to date.